Thank You for Supporting the 2020 AIDS Walk Northwest!

We wanted to take a moment to say thank to you all for your incredible support of CAP and AIDS Walk Northwest. AIDS Walk Northwest (formerly AIDS Walk Portland) is a cornerstone event for CAP and helps raise awareness for HIV and AIDS as well as critical funds to support CAP and our Community Partners as we fight to end HIV transmission. Thousands of you rallied over the past few months and helped us exceed our fundraising goal; because of your generous support we raised over $178,000 during this year’s event to support healthcare and HIV services for both CAP and our Community Partners! However, like so much of 2020, we found ourselves in the midst of yet another heartbreaking moment for our families, friends, and communities. Thousands were forced to leave their homes as an unprecedented natural disaster swept through our region. Because of the very poor air quality and nearby evacuations, we were forced to make our 2020 AIDS Walk Northwest a virtual event. 

However, we decided to keep our AIDS Walk donation page up and running, as well as all supported Facebook Fundraisers connected to AIDS Walk Northwest in order to help combat the natural disaster facing our community. All donations we receive between Friday, September 11th and Friday, September 18th will be donated to wildfire relief funds in Oregon and Washington State. We also donated all of the snacks and water from our generous sponsors to Esther’s Pantry to help support their relief efforts. As of today, we have raised over $10,000 additional dollars to help support the wildfire relief efforts. We hope you will consider making a contribution if you are able to help support our fellow community members impacted by the wildfires.

To mark the day of the walk, we held our livestream AIDS Walk Northwest program at 10am on Saturday, September 12th, and it was an incredible morning considering the circumstances. We had supporters, family, friends, and sponsors tune in to help celebrate all of our walkers, donors, and our 2020 Heroes of HIV. In case you missed it, you can find a full recap of the event with closed captioning below! 

Though we cancelled our in-person check-in stations for September 12th, your walker bags, prizes, and t-shirts will still be available for pick-up at a future date. Due to the continued poor air quality in our area, we are unable to schedule a new date at this time. However, we will be in touch with you and announce details for our rescheduled pickup day once we can arrange a time to safely distribute them. In the meantime, we encourage all of our walkers to remain indoors as much as possible to limit their exposure. 

While we are saddened we had to change another CAP event due to circumstances beyond our control, we are first and foremost a service organization and our community’s health and well- being is our top priority. Regardless of what the world throws at us, we will find strength and resilience with one another. Together we can make great change and create a better tomorrow for us all.

Thank You Again,
Your Friends at CAP

Did you miss the live stream?

No worries! We have the full live stream available here!

Closed Captioning Available. To enable them, either click the CC in the bottom right of the video player.

About Cascade AIDS Project

Founded in 1985 as a grassroots response to the AIDS crisis, Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) is now the oldest and largest HIV-services and LGBTQ+ health provider in Oregon and southwest Washington, with more than 100 employees working across four locations. Our organization seeks to prevents new HIV infections; support low-income people living with HIV; and provide safe, welcoming, and knowledgeable healthcare for the LGBTQ+ community. Through our vital health, housing, and other social services, we help ensure the well-being of more than 15,000 people each year.  More information can be found at


Recognizing CAP Volunteer Luke Marshall


An Important Update Regarding AIDS Walk Northwest in Response to the Wildfire Crisis